Covid-19 Cleanup and Viral Disinfection

As we navigate the Covid-19 pandemic Thoroughly Pro is ready to provide your business preventative and after positive-case care. Our comprehensive Coronavirus cleanup includes sanitization and sterilization of all high traffic/high touch areas, employee education, antiviral sprays and conditioners, as well as a complete wipe down of every surface area.

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Return Safely

A comprehensive site assessment produces a framework for wellbeing that helps build trust. A one-time deep cleaning of your site readies your facilities for occupancy.

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Frequent High Touch Disinfection

A recurring cleaning and disinfection program instills confidence in your employees and clients. Occupant communications reiterate mutual social contracts.

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Disinfect Broadly

Electrostatic spraying goes beyond high touch point disinfection and resets facilities. We provide a broader disinfection at periodic intervals based on your facility’s risk profile.